41 Abbotsford Road, Homebush NSW 2142 Tel: 02 9746 7799
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Mon - Fri : 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat: 8.30am - 12.00 Noon

What will a Dentist observe, that you dont see or feel?

A promt biannual vist can save your smile and save your dollars. As its said “A Stitch in time, saves nine”. Sounds like a good reason for a timely Denatal check up.........

Tooth Decay & Gum Swelling.  These problems seem minor at very first, but they can gradually become overwhelming with time and can lead to other major dental problems.

Timely Dental Advice & Cosmetic Dentistry.  A healthy set of teeth is an important part of enhancing your look and personality. Thus getting timely advice on how to secure the foundation of your teeth is another reason to visit your dentist.

Improper Food Habits may lead to several Gum Diseases.  This can expose healthy teeth to tooth loss and other serious health ailments. A regularly visit can deiagnose any gum problems at an early stage and can be cured with proper treatment.

Many suffer from Oral Cancer every year.  Early diagnosis of severe dental diseases such as oral cancer can be enough reason to see your dentist to save your life.

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